Tania Rivilis at Christie’s: A Unique Exhibition Experience

23.02.25 The Flowing Self 72dpi www Tania Rivilis | artist | Capturing the portrait´s aura | Pragmatic romanticism | Colorful expressivness | artist´s gallery Tania Rivilis │ Contemporary Figurative Art

Tania Rivilis at Christie’s: A Unique Exhibition Experience

There’s an aura of restrained elegance as you step into Christie’s in London. Historically, this venue has played host to countless monumental art displays, but the “Note to Self” exhibition brings a fresh perspective to its venerable halls.

A Celebration Beyond Art

“Note to Self” isn’t just an art exhibition; it’s a testament to resilience, self-realization, and the strength of female voices in the contemporary art scene. Curated with finesse by ArtLeadHER and organized in collaboration with Mashonda Tifrere, this event is a graceful nod to the talents of 15 international women artists, including Tania Rivilis.

The showcase at Christie’s reflects more than individual artistry. It’s a collective that offers glimpses into diverse journeys, united under the theme of “Feminine Sovereignty”.

The Essence of the Showcase

The exhibition doesn’t urge you to observe; instead, it invites you to feel. With Christie’s providing the backdrop, there’s an intricate balance of history and modernity. No single artwork dominates, and there’s a palpable sense of unity. Every piece, including those by Tania Rivilis, is an integral component of this mosaic of expressions. Explore a few from this assembly here.


Moving Towards Balance

The decision by Christie’s to spotlight these female artists doesn’t merely serve an aesthetic purpose. It resonates with a broader quest for equality and recognition. By providing this platform, Christie’s has extended its role beyond art curation, contributing significantly to a movement that seeks to change longstanding narratives.

In Conclusion

The “Note to Self” exhibition, available until April 14th, offers more than a visual experience; it’s an introspection into the world of art and its evolving dynamics. As visitors meander through the exhibits at Christie’s, it’s evident that the event is more than a sum of its parts. It’s an echo of stories, aspirations, and dreams.


Christie´s London
Address: 8 King St, St. James’s, London SW1Y 6QT, United Kingdom

Christies 1200x720 1 Tania Rivilis | artist | Capturing the portrait´s aura | Pragmatic romanticism | Colorful expressivness | artist´s gallery Tania Rivilis │ Contemporary Figurative ArtFAQ

1. Who is Tania Rivilis?
Tania Rivilis is a notable artist who has had her works featured in numerous exhibitions, including those at Christie’s.

2. When is the ‘Tania Rivilis at Christie’s’ exhibition taking place?
The exhibition is scheduled from March 28 to April 14, 2023.

3. Where can I view the ‘Tania Rivilis at Christie’s’ exhibition?
The exhibition is hosted by Christie’s in London, UK.

4. Who are the curators for this exhibition?
The ‘Note to Self’ exhibition, which features Tania Rivilis, is curated by @artleadher and @mashondatifrere.

5. How many artists are featured in the ‘Note to Self’ exhibition?
The exhibition showcases works from 15 international female artists, including Tania Rivilis.