Trevor Jones Castle Party 2023 Paris: A Fusion of Technology, Art, and Celebration

Grandeur of the Trevor Jones Castle Party venue in Paris.

Trevor Jones Castle Party: A Fusion of Technology, Art, and Celebration


Trevor Jones Castle Party has solidified its position as the most prestigious event in the ever-evolving realm of NFTs and crypto gatherings. A fusion of art, technology, and pure festivity, this gathering is truly unparalleled in its ambition and scale.

The Setting: Château de Vallery

The beautiful Château de Vallery near Paris, France set the backdrop for this year’s festivities. A venue with a rich history that blends effortlessly with the contemporary significance of the event it’s hosting.

The Event’s Evolution

Last year, Scotland was the chosen destination, providing attendees with an air of mystique and grandeur. However, the transition to France for the 2023 edition of the Trevor Jones Castle Party signifies not just a change in venue, but an evolution in its stature and global appeal.

Trevor Jones, Tania Rivilis, and Animus with an NFT display at the Trevor Jones Castle Party.

Highlights of the Gathering

This wasn’t just another tech meet-up. Among the attendees were renowned artists such as Henrik Uldalen, Paul Reid, Pani Santiago, Daniel Martin, Jenni Pasanen, Violeta Jones and others. Furthermore, prominent platforms like MakersPlaceWorld of V, and Artcrush gallery had their representatives mingling, networking, and collaborating.

Performances and More

For those whose inclination is more toward the entertainment side, the party did not disappoint. The event featured musical brilliance from Grammy-nominated BT, Arthr, Sarah Main, and DJ RT. However, that was just the tip of the iceberg. From French circus acts and football tournaments to immersive debates and pool parties, there was never a dull moment.

A Cause Beyond Celebration

It’s worth noting that the event was not solely about the glitz and glamour. Trevor Jones, in collaboration with the NFT marketplace MakersPlace, also held a charity auction in memory of the late OG Crypto artist, Philippe Fatoux. The cause was heartfelt and resonated with many, as last year’s auction had successfully raised £17,000 for Maggie’s cancer charity.

Concluding Thoughts

Events like the Trevor Jones Castle Party showcase the perfect amalgamation of old-world charm and futuristic innovations. As the realms of art, technology, and celebration converge, such events pave the way for more collaborations, understanding, and unity within the diverse crypto community.

For those interested in delving deeper into the world of NFTs, a recent Artcrush NFT tour provides enlightening insights worth exploring.


Members of the NFT community gathered at the Trevor Jones Castle Party.


Q1: What is the Trevor Jones Castle Party?
A1: The Trevor Jones Castle Party is an annual event that merges the worlds of technology, art, and celebration. Set in luxurious locales, it attracts artists, tech enthusiasts, and crypto experts from all over the world.

Q2: Where was this year’s Castle Party held?
A2: This year’s event took place at the beautiful Château de Vallery near Paris, France.

Q3: Who were some of the notable artists in attendance?
A3: Renowned artists such as Henrik Uldalen, Paul Reid, Pani Santiago, Daniel Martin, Jenni Pasanen, and many more graced the event with their presence.

Q4: Was there any charitable initiative associated with the event?
A4: Yes, Trevor Jones, in collaboration with MakersPlace, organized a charity auction in memory of the late OG Crypto artist, Philippe Fatoux. The funds raised go to Maggie’s cancer charity.

Q5: Are there plans for another Castle Party next year?
A5: While specific details might not be available yet, given the success and anticipation surrounding the event, it’s likely that the Trevor Jones Castle Party will return next year.